A marketing strategy is a set of practical steps that you take to achieve specific marketing goals for your company, by exploiting different marketing channels.

Suppose, for example, that you want to achieve $100,000 in profits for your company this year – according to your marketing plan that I mentioned earlier – which works in the ready-made garments industry.

To achieve this goal, you may do any of the following:

  • YouTube Marketing.
  • Go to the shops to try to convince them to promote your clothes.
  • Create a Facebook page to promote your clothes online.
  • Create a sponsored advertisement on Facebook.

Each of the above is a separate marketing strategy. In order to make a funded advertisement on Facebook, for example, there are certain information and steps you must take (targeting – designing an advertising video in a specific style) and others.

Also, in order to promote your clothes to shop owners, you must know the residential areas in which you will distribute, and you must analyze and study some of the competitors.

For this reason, the concept of marketing strategy appeared. It represents all the practical steps that you will take in order to take advantage of any marketing channel. Facebook is a marketing channel that differs from promoting through shops.

The most famous of these marketing channels, which are suitable for almost all fields, are:

  • SEO (Getting free visits to your website such as blogs and stores).
  • Paid ads on search engines.
  • YouTube channels.
  • Free accounts on social networking sites (Facebook – Instagram – Linkedin – Twitter).
  • Paid ads on social media.
  • Advertisements on television and radio.
  • Print ads (flyers – billboards).

The importance of marketing strategy

Marketing strategy is not a modern idea. On the contrary, since the days of barter, big traders have relied on reading the market, knowing what people are looking for and what competitors are doing in order to make profits.

This marketing strategy is of great importance to any entrepreneur or professional marketer who wants the product or service he is promoting to reach people and make profits from them.

This importance is represented in the following points:

1- Marketing strategy saves money

This is the most important reason for many marketers, in order to make profits, you have to reduce expenses, and this is what the marketing strategy helps you with.

Let’s say, for example, that you spend $1,000 on advertising and promotion for your company in order to make $5,000 in profits. What if I told you a marketing strategy that makes you spend the same amount, but your profits will triple.

Or maybe you just spend $500 and get the same returns, meaning if you spend all $1000 you will get twice the profits, this is the power of marketing strategies.

Or, with some effort, you can use one of the free marketing strategies that help you make big profits without needing a budget to get started.

When you know all the channels and ways that make you reach your customers, you will choose the easiest and fastest way, all based on data and numbers and not just speculation.

2- Marketing strategy enables you to make the right decisions

The marketing strategy is the practical steps that you implement on the ground in order to achieve the goals of your project or company, and therefore any decision you will take will be based on the results you achieve.

For example, suppose you discovered that your product does not achieve the desired results after many attempts, so you may change the product itself or develop it.

Or perhaps you discover your customers’ need for an additional service or a new product that complements what you offer, so you decide to manufacture it, all this you will know through different marketing strategies.

The first time any new customer hears about you is through the marketing channels you use. If your marketing strategy is solid, you can build a good relationship with your audience that will last for long periods of time.

That is why you must be a professional in using different marketing strategies in order to achieve your goals easily.

You deserve a digital marketing partner that will elevate your bottom line and your team.
Schedule an appointment now to speak with a digital marketing expert.

Do you have an active Facebook account? Are you consistent? What about a blog? Do you know anything about SEO? Are you posting authentic content? Have you tried videos?

You may have heard these questions from a good friend trying to push you and your business online. Which sounds great, we all know big successful companies are very active on social media and have beautiful websites bringing people in. We can see that every day from customer forums to Facebook ads. The only issue is that digital marketing is a large, fairly new world. It can feel overwhelming and unpredictable.

Maybe you’re wondering to yourself if digital marketing is really all it’s hyped up to be. Successful businesses have existed much longer than the internet has. The only issue with that idea is that due to advances in technology, how people function from day to day has changed. Where people look for information is completely different than it used to be. We all use our phones and computers for almost everything and use Google as an answer key for many issues. With social media, we have a whole new influence in our daily lives that does affect what we think about, where we go, and what we choose to buy.

Creating a Facebook page and a website itself isn’t really enough anymore either. You have to know how to use new media for it to get the reach you’re looking for. The good news is that once you figure out how to make use of the digital means available, you will see significant growth to your business and improve your customer service.

Statistics To Keep In Mind.

We are now comfortably in the age of smartphones. With around 69 million smartphones being sold this year so far (internetlivestats.com), how do you think that affects the reach of digital marketing? Google searches alone average over 1 billion searches per day (ardorseo.com). Those searches are 79% of all desktop searches around the world, so that means there are even more searches made per day on other platforms (godaddy.com).

People aren’t just looking for recipes and checking in on the latest news on Google. People go to Google to look up boutiques around them, local plumbers, restaurants, and other businesses. Business owners benefit greatly from knowing how to use SEO to get their business’ site at the top of the list when a potential client is searching. 90% of Google searchers have not made up their mind about a brand before conducting a search (statuslabs). That means you need to put your best foot out there by creating great, telling social media profiles and website pages to show up in these searches.

With digital marketing, you will save 40% of the money you would use to invest in traditional media marketing (tgdigitalsolutions.com). You have little to lose by taking on the challenge of digital marketing, but a lot to win.

What Is Digital Marketing?

As you can imagine, digital marketing is marketing by way of all things digital, but mostly the internet. This includes social media, search engines, blogs, e-mail, display advertising, e-books, and websites. The list can go on, but you don’t even need to try marketing in all the digital means available to us. You just need to find out what works for you and your target market and build an appropriate strategy from there.

You Will Know Who You Are Reaching.

Digital marketing gives you insight into how clients find you and why they stay with you. You can see simple analytics on social media sites and websites. You may not be able to know every little thing about the people engaging with your ads, but you will be able to tell some basic information like what general location they are from or what age demographic they fall in. This feedback allows you to see who all is interested in your business and maybe just needs a bit more of a push to follow through.

You can also see what ads or posts resonate well with your audience. Digital media engages people more than traditional media and allows people to share their opinions, even if it’s just a simple “like” on a post. If some of your messaging or a new product aren’t liked by your clients, you will be able to know more quickly through messages, e-mails, and comments.

Better Research.

Because of the engagement and insight, you can get through digital marketing, it is easier to do quality research into your target audience. This research can help you provide a better product, focus on a particular social media platform, and know what messaging really works for your brand. Not only that, but you can know what time of day your target audience is online searching and posting. Digital media is simply easier to measure. You can see exactly how successful an ad is and potentially why it was that successful.

It is also easy to see what other successful companies are up to and what strategies they use that seem to work. You can also take a look at companies in your field that aren’t doing so well and learn what you should avoid doing. All of this information used correctly can help you create a strategy that brings in more revenue and keeps your community happy with your brand and product/service! This is one of the many reasons that ROI for smart digital marketing is higher than that of traditional marketing.

It’s Cost Effective.

Digital marketing gives you access to ad platforms that are exponentially cheaper than that of traditional ad spaces. Done correctly, you can reach up to thousands of people for less than $5 on social media. With traditional media, you’re looking at five times that amount, or much more, for an ad.

Strategy Matters.

Digital marketing is cost-effective, measurable, and engaging. With a proper understanding of how digital marketing works, it can take you and your business far. This is not just some marketing form used for eCommerce stores. You can get real traffic into your physical place of business by using digital means in a smart way.

Ready To Update Your Digital Marketing?

Bella Marketing is positioned to help your business make the most of your digital marketing efforts and your budget. We believe in providing value for every dollar you spend, therefore we make sure that what we do for you will bring you a positive ROI. Our process includes analyzing data, improving conversions, and increasing the number of leads that come into your business.

You deserve a digital marketing partner that will elevate your bottom line and your team.
Schedule an appointment now to speak with a digital marketing expert.

Digital marketing has become a very important part of the success of any project or institution that already exists, and this is due to the significant size of the audience that uses electronic means, and because of its power to influence the audience strongly.

In order to deal and control most digital marketing channels, you greatly need several tools that help you to manage, analyze and understand the nature of the market in which you work, and from here we explain to you the most famous tools that help you manage, follow-up and analyze digital marketing methods in general and the most sections in which you need to Help tools for you.

What are the digital marketing tools and their types?
Marketing tools are a set of ways and means by which you can improve the performance of your business and organize it on the means of digital marketing and save you a lot of time that you can spend searching for a specific information, so you can simply extract that information or a quantity of data easily through these tools instead of Manually extract it. And it has many types or shapes

  • Social media management tools.
  • Data analysis and website analysis tools.
  • Social media analysis tools.
  • Special tools to rank up your site in the search engine.
  • Tools for monitoring and updating content.
  • Marketing campaign tools to help promote your site.

The most popular digital marketing tools used in 2021

  1. Hootsuite
    It is one of the most important and most popular tools through which you can manage your social media platforms, it also provides you with scheduling posts and through it you can also manage pages or accounts by responding to comments and messages, which is a powerful feature that enables you to prepare a lot of business in one platform without having to move between platforms and between different accounts linked to social media platforms.
  1. Buffer
    Not much different from its Hootsuite counterpart, where you can also work through Buffer on managing accounts, responding to messages and comments, and scheduling posts on the accounts and pages of different social media platforms, and there are a lot of comparisons between Buffer, Hootsuite in order to clarify differences in prices, service, follow-up methods, support, and other details.
  1. Buzzsumo
    Content marketing is a very important element, so you always need to manage it as it is one of the most important content management tools. Working in content requires familiarity with many updates, so you find that professionals do not work without using the most popular tool, Buzzsumo, where you can learn all types of content about a particular search word, Or analyzing the content on a specific website, which gives you a lot of information about the types of content you need to develop your website content.
  1. Crowdfire
    It is considered one of the important tools for managing your accounts and pages on various social media platforms, which greatly increases the rates of interaction on the platforms, as you can schedule posts, respond to comments and messages and extract reports on accounts that provide you with a lot of data that you need to know continuously. To ascertain the rate of your success or failure in managing accounts or pages.
  1. Fanpage Karma
    If you work in social media platforms and in contact with it, you have already touched Fanpage Karma in some way or another for its high ability to analyze pages and accounts of social media platforms and extract graphical analyzes and data of that data that helps page and account managers upgrade content patterns to bring more interaction with The audience or followers on the different platforms.
  1. Socialblade
    You always need to know and analyze your pages and competitors’ pages, which is what you find in many tools, but socialblade provides you with analyzing YouTube channels in a different and more accurate way and also enables you to extract the key words used in famous videos, and it also provides a distinctive and unique tool for it, which is the profit calculator in YouTube, which is one of the The most important tools that YouTube video players are especially looking for. Otherwise, it is a free tool that offers a lot of statistical analysis and figures about different social media accounts
  1. MOZ
    MOZ is the most popular tool used by SEO administrators for the emergence of websites due to the services it can provide. It offers many free tools that can be used without the need for a subscription. It also provides you with a keyword search service that helps you search keywords. What you need continuously, and what also distinguishes it from others is the distinctive taskbar that it offers free of charge, which is a toolbar that is installed in your Internet browser, which saves you a lot of time to analyze sites and explore many of the data that you need on an ongoing basis.
  1. Semrush
    Among the most important tools that help you understand the nature of search engines, increase your visibility on search engines and increase your ranking in the results, and also provide many services that you need continuously, such as searching for keywords, understanding your website, extracting problems and errors within the website.
  1. Ubersuggest
    A relatively new tool offered by Neil Patel, which is a special tool for analyzing your site, focusing on extracting errors and providing a lot of data that helps you understand your website, its arrangement and the reasons for its ranking, and some tips for handling errors and also provides the most important search words that your website depends on.
  1. Google analytics
    The giant company Google does not give you a way to deviate from it, so it provides the most important tool in the analysis of the website, which no website officials can do without, given you the data that it provides to you directly and indirectly, and through that data you can deal with your site professionally and the most important thing that distinguishes it is the ability to track customers through the tracking system that it provides to you.